Berkwood Announces Completion of 3D model

Sep 27, 2018

September 27, 2018, VANCOUVER, B.C. – Berkwood Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: BKR, FSE: BK2, WKN: A110N3) (“Berkwood” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has released for public review its three dimensional (“3D”) rendering of a Preliminary Geological Model (the “Model”) for its Lac Gueret Zone 1 graphite discovery. The Preliminary Model is based upon 4006m of wireline core drilling undertaken over three campaigns of work by the Company in 2017 and 2018. The Model...

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MGX gets gov’t OK to drill at Francisco basin in Chile

Sep 27, 2018

2018-09-27 06:37 ET – News Release Mr. Jared Lazerson reports MGX MINERALS PREPARING TO CONDUCT DRILL PROGRAM AT FRANCISCO BASIN LITHIUM BRINE PROJECT, CHILE MGX Minerals Inc. has received notice from the Chilean state agency National Geology and Mining Service (SERNAGEOMIN) that the company will be approved to carry out a six-hole drill program at the Francisco basin lithium project located 30 kilometres south of Salar de Maricunga. MGX has also received a positive response from the...

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Manganese X to receive Mountain Springs deal next week

Sep 27, 2018

2018-09-26 16:43 ET – News Release Mr. Martin Kepman reports MANGANESE X CORPORATE UPDATE: DEFINITIVE 15% AGREEMENT WITH MOUNTAIN SPRINGS OIL AND GAS LIMITED Manganese X Energy Corp. has received written confirmation from Mountain Springs Oil and Gas Ltd. that Mountain Springs Oil expects the final definitive agreement with respect to the company acquiring a 15-per-cent equity interest in Mountain Springs Oil will be received by Manganese X Energy next week. The delay was caused due to...

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